There are 275 species of bee in Britain and Ireland. Apart from the honeybee and 25 different bumblebees, the rest are solitary, such as this one feeding on thistles. Picture by Beth Liddle Photography.
The UK has 46 species of ladybird. The vivid black, yellow and red colours are a keep-off warning to predators but do not deter the invasive and cannibalistic harlequin ladybird, which arrived in the south in 2004 and has become a serious threat to resident species. Picture by Beth Liddle Photography.  
Despite its name, the 24-spot ladybird actually has between 16 and 20 blotches on its wing cases. Picture by Beth Liddle Photography.
The midday sun illuminates the delicate wing structure of this peacock butterfly as it feeds on thistles. Picture by Beth Liddle Photography.
Patience personified: a heron waits to strike on the canal.
A flotilla of 20 Canada geese forsake the fields for an outing. 

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