August 2015

Fruits crowned with five sepals and the straight branches suggest this is a soft-leaved rose (rosa villosa). The dog rose (rosa canina) and field rose (rosa avensis) are also found locally growing wild.
Great willowherb grows in splendid clumps in damp or wet places. Locally it is often found by field-edge or roadside ditches. 
Tufted vetch is a distinctive scrambler in hedgerows.
This dandelion made a solitary but showy splash of colour as other wildflowers faded.

The flowers of creeping thistle are popular with butterflies. The plant is abundant but butterflies seem not to be this summer. 
The trumpet-like flowers of bindweed are pure white.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see such an interesting collection of wildlife images. I came across them while trying to find out more about Roger Clough, who apparently lived in Silsden House, Silsden, nr Keighley in the 1920s, as I recently acquired a collection of herbarium specimens collected by him (presumably in Silsden) in 1922. If you, or any of your naturalist friends know anything about him, I would be pleased to know
